GOLD Speakers


Eugenia (Gina) Nigro, BBA, IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Symposium 2023 Lecture Pack
  • Country: Spain

Gina has been assisting breastfeeding mothers for over 20 years, and now through telehealth all over the world. She knows that while most pregnant mothers expect to breastfeed, very few receive proper preparation for the difficulties and the rollercoaster of emotions when there are problems. When Gina had her first baby, like many new mothers she was overwhelmed by conflicting information: at the hospital, the pediatrician's, and from well-meaning friends and family. Her appreciation of the volunteer support she received led her to want to "pay it forward" and help others. She first trained as a volunteer LLL Leader in Houston, Texas, then as a birth doula in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and finally sat for the exam to become an IBCLC in Seville, Spain. She continues to lead monthly breastfeeding support meetings online and in-person.

Gina believes that all mothers deserve quality emotional and educational support. It should not be just a matter of good luck. She's dedicated to giving effective guidance and caring support with real results. Her greatest satisfaction is the joy of seeing that look on both mothers' and babies' faces that says: Just what I always wanted!