GOLD Speakers


Panel Discussion 2024

  • Speaker Type: 2024 Main Presentations
  • Country: GOLD

Annette Leary
Annette has been a maternal child health registered nurse for over 36 years. She took her first IBCLC exam in 1995. She started her craniosacral therapy Upledger training in 2015, and continued to take advanced classes yearly as well as serving as a teacher's assistant. Annette owns two businesses, Orlando Lactation and Wellness Services and is a partner business owner of Baby BLISS: Central Florida Feeding Collaborative. She enjoys working with families, earning their trust and teaching them how to latch onto parenting through feeding and educational support.

Shifa Shamsudeen
Dr. Shifa Shamsudeen is a Preventive Pediatric dentist with Fellowship in Dental Sleep Medicine from Tufts University and an International Certificant - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. She provides holistic dental care for children from infancy to adolescence. Her field of expertise include functional Tongue tie release, PEDIATRIC DENTAL SLEEP medicine, Orofacial myofunctional therapy and PREVENTIVE PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY.
She is the founder and director of WE LITTLE hospitals for providing preventive dental orofacial care since 2011, providing painless, holistic wellness care. She is the founder of Institute of craniofacial Myology and pediatric sleep - for training professionals in the field of craniofacial myology. She has trained over 50 dentists and allied health professionals so far. She is the founder and trustee of THE TONGUE FOUNDATION - A NGO initiated to help babies and mothers through establishing breastfeeding.
Dr. Shifa is the founder of Myoline protocol – a strategically curated myofunctional program that helps align teeth naturally without any extractions. She has successfully helped more than 700 children achieve naturally aligned teeth. She is also the founder of LITTLE WE – preventive holistic dental care centres at tier 3 cities to make dentistry accessible for everyone.

Justin Roche
Justin is a Consultant Paediatrician who has worked in both the UK and Ireland. He has had an interest in Tongue Ties for over 15 years and has created multi-disciplinary pathways of care. He is Medical Director of the National Tongue Tie Centre in County Tipperary, Ireland which he established with Kate Roche, a Chartered Physiotherapist, in 2017. There he and the team provide comprehensive care for infants, children and adults with tethered oral tissues

2024 Presentation Topic(s):