Presentation Information

Aruna Savur

Form and Function: Looking for Clues in Babies with Structural Issues Affecting Breastfeeding

  • Speaker: Aruna Savur , MBBS, DNB (Pediatrics), Advanced training in Neonatal Intensive Care, IBCLC, Certified Infant Massage Instructor
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME

Breastfeeding is orchestrated by the newborn’s brain, eliciting the parent’s responses via their nervous system and hormones. The newborn uses 6 cranial nerves, 22 bones, 34 articulations, and 60+ muscles - all tied together by fascia, and multiple physiological processes to accomplish a smooth suck, swallow and breathe cycle. Any abnormal function of the nervous, muscular or skeletal system can disrupt the biomechanics of breastfeeding, which the baby would circumvent with compensations. If this is detected, corrected and supported the innate breastfeeding bond can be reestablished. Detection includes looking for clues in the history (pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding), in the physical examination of the baby, oral exam, and the breastfeeding process. This presentation helps the learner to identify the structures involved, what could have caused dysfunction, the kind of dysfunction that ensues, and the breastfeeding compensations being used by the baby. These can then be effectively addressed by the IBCLC along with a collaborative care team to ensure a competent breastfeeding journey.