Presentation Information

Kate Roche

Neuromuscular Re-Education and Tension Release as Tools to Optimize Feeding Post Frenotomy

  • Speaker: Kate Roche , BSc, MISCP, IBCLC
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME

Treatment of tongue tie is multi-faceted. Releasing the structural restriction of Ankyloglossia allows for a change in function but therapy is needed to help this process as habits are already formed, however young the patient. Facilitating new neural pathways will help achieve normal movement patterns in place of compensatory strategies. These compensations cause tension within the body that can block free movement of the oral structures. Tension can also lead to asymmetries which make achieving postural stability difficult. This lack of postural stability or misalignment within the body structures also hinders the fine motor coordination needed for optimal oral motor skills. This talk aims to discuss how to approach treating infants with Ankyloglossia whilst taking all these factors into account.