Presentation Information

Shifa Shamsudeen

The Role of Breastfeeding and Frenotomy in the Prevention of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea

  • Speaker: Shifa Shamsudeen , MDS, D.ABDSM
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 Nursing CEU, 1 CME

Breastfeeding is nature’s mechanism to encourage formation of wider airway and jaws in human beings. Infants learn to become nasal breathers through direct breastfeeding from the mother. Tongue ties often lead to difficulty in breastfeeding or in many cases leads to compensated sucking pattern at the breast that doesn’t encourage the complete tongue palate contact which is imperative for wider maxillary growth and nasal space. The engramming process of tongue suctioning to roof of the mouth is naturally facilitated by direct, exclusive, non-compensated breast feeding. Addressing the tongue tie to encourage uncompensated breastfeeding is the first step towards preventing any form of sleep disordered breathing. Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) encompasses a spectrum of issues that affect breathing patterns in sleep. The issues broadly range from simple mouth breathing to severe apneas. Medical literature talks about numerous non-invasive or invasive methods to salvage the situation, however, there are no prevention protocols till date. The major challenge lies in identifying early symptoms of SDB due to lack of knowledge on role of tongue as a respiratory organ and its impact on the craniofacial respiratory complex. When the symptoms suggestive of SDB are recognised by healthcare professionals early, prevention of obstructive sleep apnea is possible.

Live Presentation Schedule

Sep 17, 2024